Leeds & Liverpool closed by embankment collapse

C R T have had to close a busy section of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal to boats and towpath users. The canal was drained after locals noticed a collapsed towpath on September 11th. UPDATE 25/11/2013 Canal now reopened.

Leeds & Liverpool Breach

A collapsed embankment has swept away a section of the canal  into the River Hyndburn – between bridges 108a and 109 – at Rishton, near Blackburn, in Lancashire.


UPDATE 6 November
CRT engineers report that the canal embankment has now been stabilised and the canal bed has been built up with puddle clay and liner installed to fully waterproof the canal. Rock armour protection has been laid over the liner. The towpath has been reconstructed and needs the final topping and topsoil on the verge. The culvert liner has been designed and fabricated in Germany and is due to be delivered and installed next week. CRT hopes to be in a position to re-open the canal and towpath on the 23 November 2013.


Engineer’s initial findings suggest erosion has caused huge sink holes in the canal bed affecting a 16m x 18m area.  The Canal & River Trust (CRT) has already started work on repairs and is aiming to get the canal re-opened as quickly as possible.   It estimates that the likely cost will be around £300,000.

Contractors have installed temporary dams in the canal on either side of the collapsed towpath and a programme of works will now begin to stabilise the embankment, re-line the canal bed and re-construct the towpath and wash wall.  A culvert under the canal will also be re-lined to extend its life for another 100 years.

CRT waterway manager Chantelle Seaborn said “The Leeds & Liverpool Canal is an extremely popular canal for hundreds of boaters, walkers and cyclists that use it every day.  We appreciate that this is a major disruption for people who enjoy the towpath but most especially for any boaters that are trying to get back to their home moorings, so time really is of the essence.”

CRT estimate the canal will re-open at the end of November, subject to weather conditions.

Boater’s who are affected and want advice on diversions or local moorings should contact 03030 404040 or visit www.canalrivertrust.org.uk

Thanks to Harry Arnold and Waterway Images for this report and images.

All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.

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