Promote your canal business with a listing in Canal Junction or Hotelboating
Canal Junction is a busy place, we had almost 400,000 visitors last year!
Our visitors are real people who are interested in Canals, Holidays & Canal Boat Ownership.
We have 1st Page Listings for important canal keywords on many Major Search Engines.
Canal Junction has been a respected source of quality comprehensive waterways information for over 20 years.
We believe we are more cost effective than Magazine or ‘pay-per-click’ advertising.
We offer free Listings and £50*, £150* and £200* annual enhanced listings.
We offer 3 listing options on our Canal Junction Company listings pages:
- Canal based companies can choose from a free basic listing which includes your contact details on the relevant listing page. (Except hotelboat companies.)
- You can add a weblink to your website on your free listing for just £50* a year plus VAT.
- You can have a page top Enhanced Listing which includes 30 words of descriptive text plus other enhancements. This cost £150* a year, £200* for hire and hotelboat companies.
- Hotelboats are featured and listed in Listings include a 30 word feature with image plus inclusion in the Hotelboat Cruising Schedule section and unlimited use of the Cabin Availability Service. There are no free listings or £50* basic listings for Hotelboat Companies.
PageAds appear on Canal Junction Information pages, but not on listing pages or Hotelboating.
- PageAds in Canal Junction can be carefully targeted at your market group. For instance your boatbuilding PageAd could be on a page in our ‘Buying a Boat‘ advice section. PageAds cost £110* for a full year’s insertion.
- PageAds give you the chance to place your advertising message and direct link to your website in its ideal context. There is a strong chance that people viewing that page will be interested in your product or service.
- PageAds can be sited in the right hand column on any of Canal Junction’s 100 plus information pages. This includes the Canal Guides, the Canal Holiday FAQs and the Living Aboard & Boat Owner advice sections.
* All prices include a 20% Direct Debit discount
All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.
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