Two veteran BW vans are in need of rescue because CRT has no room for them and needs to rehome them. The Canal & River Trust (CRT) has two historic maintenance vans – restored to full original period British Waterways’ livery – which are currently located at Hatton and Fradley Junction. They create considerable public visitor interest, particularly the one prominently displayed at the latter popular destination.

The future of the two vans is problematic, particularly as CRT’s Museums & Attractions section has apparently insufficient space to display them at its museum sites. However there is considerable enthusiasm at all levels within CRT to see the vehicles retained, maintained and displayed.
There is similar enthusiasm among visitors and waterway enthusiasts – particularly at Fradley Junction – and the suggestion is that, with the assistance of CRT, both vans should be located there and a voluntary group set up to maintain and possibly use them for promoting the waterways.
Judging from the reaction when vehicles appear in old canal photographs – of the ‘I used to drive one of those’ type – there is probably a similar fascination with historic vans as heritage boats.
If you are interested in being involved in this project to ensure the future of these historic waterway maintenance vehicles, or can offer help in any way, please – in the first instance – e-mail:
Thanks to Harry Arnold and Waterway Images for this report and Eric Gaskell for photos.