CRT aims to ‘deliver excellent customer service’

Richard Parry talking to boatersThe Canal & River Trust (CRT) aims to improve its service to customers by a series of changes to the way its 11 teams are organised.

A new structure – developed by, and in consultation with staff underpins CRT’s ten-year strategy and aims to create much stronger connections between it and the people who use its waterways.

CRT’s 11 waterway units will have greater focus on delivering excellent customer service to boaters and other visitors, growing the numbers and range of volunteering opportunities, improving day-to-day operation, and working with Waterways Partnerships to create ever closer relationships with local communities and stakeholders.

The technical responsibility for looking after the condition of the thousands of bridges, locks, wildlife sites and other assets which the Trust cares for will be brought together into a national team; overseeing the planning and delivery of engineering works on behalf of the waterways.

To support the changes a new head of customer service will be recruited, reporting directly to the chief executive and taking on the responsibility for leisure boating, licensing and enforcement as well as leading wider customer service changes.  This role, will be externally advertised, but will be covered on an interim basis by Dean Davies, currently waterway manager for the West Midlands.

CRT head of planning, Heather Clarke, will take on a new broader role as head of strategy and planning, reporting to the chief executive, with a remit to continue to develop the trust’s strategy to fulfil its vision of living waterways that transform places and enrich lives.

Thanks to Harry Arnold and Waterway Images for this report and photos (Chairman Richard Parry talking to boaters).

All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.

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