Waterway Recovery Group Reunion ‘Bash’

A volunteer reunion is being held in Nov by the WRG, who were rescuing canals long before the ‘big society’ and ‘CRT’ were twinkles in Mr Cameron’s prospectus. This November marks their annual reunion.

The WRG was rescuing derelict canals long before the ‘Big Society’ and ‘CRT’ were twinkles in Mr Cameron’s prospectus and they are holding their annual Volunteer Reunion in November.

This is the big one: the annual get-together for 100+ volunteers, hopefully bringing together first-timers from this year’s camps, old hands and regulars from all of WRG and other regional working party groups for a major scrub bashing and big party on the Saturday evening.

This year we will be holding the weekend on the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal, after a successful Easter Camp which saw 275m of new canal created by WRGies in just two weeks – see photos here. The plan for the weekend is to clear around a mile of canal, thick with trees and vegetation in preparation for excavation and towpath work in 2013. There will also be work for WRG Forestry and the possibility of some machine work.

wrg reunion12


Date: 10th/11th November (accommodation available from Friday evening)

Location: Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal

£13 | accommodation: tbc | activities: scrub bashing & socialising!

Booking: click here

Information and image(s) courtesy of WRG News Release 22/8/12

All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.

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