No agreement on transfer of EA Waterways

Both IWA and CRT have said they are disappointed that DEFRA has turned down transfer plans for EA waterways. A DEFRA spokesperson reportedly said that ‘The Canal & River Trust’s outline proposal has not matched our ambitions in two key areas – value for public money and efficient management of the waterways.’

Great Ouse sunken boat

IWA has said it is extremely disappointed at the announcement from the Environment Agency that Defra has been unable to agree Canal & River Trust’s recent proposal for taking over the navigations run by EA.

A CRT spokesperson said ‘We remain convinced that the transfer would be in the wider public interest. It would deliver the real essence of value for taxpayers, and benefits for the users of these waterways while securing the long-term future of the navigations themselves.’

At a meeting last week, the Defra Minister with responsibility for the Waterways, Dr Thérèse Coffey, informed IWA representatives that the transfer was still being considered subject to further talks to refine CRT’s proposals.  IWA has since received confirmation from Defra that Government remains receptive to a revised proposal from CRT and understands that the Minister has offered a further meeting with CRT.

IWA says it recognises the efforts of the Environment Agency to maintain their navigations within the limited government grant available to them and the lack of opportunity to attract further funding as CRT can.  IWA is particularly concerned that during this entire debate there has been no indication from government as to how sufficient and sustainable levels of funding will be provided for EA navigations if the transfer does not progress.  With increased pressure on general EA budgets through Defra and the need to prioritise other services such as flood control, the funding for navigation is likely to decrease and their navigation assets deteriorate further.

IWA says it believes that these matters should be capable of resolution and that a transfer of EA navigations remains the best way to ensure the future of these waterways with the minimum impact on the public purse.  IWA urges Defra and CRT to continue negotiations towards a mutually acceptable solution and in the meantime we will focus on the matter which has always been our primary concern – the levels of funding for EA navigations.

Images courtesy of IWA.

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