New winter mooring options for liveaboards

C R T are trying out a range of new winter mooring permits for liveaboards from November 2013 to March 2014 following suggestions from boaters.

Winter moorings

As in previous years CRT is offering a limited number of winter moorings at selected visitor mooring sites but in addition there are two further options for continuous cruisers.

A cheaper general towpath mooring permit which will allow boaters the flexibility of mooring anywhere on the towpath for a month or more, with the exception of visitor moorings and a few other local sites.

Additionally – in London – four central mooring sites have been developed which CRT hopes will work better for boaters in that region.

Continuous cruisers will be able to book five-month winter mooring permits from 3pm on Thursday 3 October.  Three month and one month permits will go live on 15 October and 1 November respectively.  Other boaters will be able to secure winter moorings at selected visitor sites from 1 November.

Winter mooring permits will be available for periods of five months, three months or one month, starting on the first day of the month.  The number of visitor moorings sites used as winter moorings is fewer than in previous years, as the Trust has focused on the most popular sites and reduced the number of less well-used sites.

Sally Ash, head of boating business at Canal & River Trust, said:  “The changes we’ve made this year are fairly major, and we’re treating it as a trial.  I know there may be teething problems so we’ll be asking all boaters who take up a permit for their thoughts and feedback next April.”

Winter mooring permits are available on   For more information, including prices, please visit:

Thanks to Harry Arnold and Waterway Images for this report and image.


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