Access to Liverpool and the Docks down the Liverpool Link is to be made easier, but free mooring time on the docks is to be reduced.

Revised regulations for boats using the Liverpool Link into the Albert Dock complex and the approach length of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal have been introduced by the Canal & River Trust (CRT).

Liverpool docksAdvance booking is now only required for the actual Link and Stanley Locks passage and booking can now be made three years ahead instead of one year; with service being free online but a cost of £5.00 by post.

Passages will now be a maximum of six boats in each direction a day over the six working days and there will be only seven days free mooring in Salthouse Dock, instead of 14 days:  £20.00 a day overstay is charged after this. Boating groups are unhappy about this, particularly the National Association of Boat Owners

CRT is also appealing for volunteers – with a passion for Liverpool – to greet boaters mooring in the city and explain the many attractions and facilities of the World Heritage Site.

In our experience boaters already get considerable information on the Link and moor surrounded by a plethora of information outlets highlighting the attractions. What the millions of non-boating tourists have great difficulty in finding is information about the Liverpool Link, CRT administration of the Albert Docks complex and what all these visiting moored boats are about, a wasted publicity opportunity in our opinion.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer greeter in Liverpool can find out more on the CR&T website.

Boaters who cruise the Liverpool Canal Link  can now get a plaque from the IWA Lancashire & Cumbria Branch. There is also a Transpennine Plaque available for boats that travel between Eldonian Village, Liverpool and Office Lock, Leeds during a calendar year. Details of how to purchase the plaques are available on the branch’s webpages.

Thanks to Harry Arnold and Waterway Images for this report and images.

All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.

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