The Hotel Boats are getting ready for the off! From early May to October hotel boat cruises cover almost the whole of English, Welsh and Scottish canals and rivers. They are the perfect antidote to busy jobs, frenetic tourism, crowded airports, and also a wonderful way to enjoy the countryside!

You have your own skipper and crew who really know our canals and rivers, their waterway heritage and their unique natural environment. They also understand how to keep you comfortable, happy and well fed on great home cooked local fare! There’s lots more information and details of cruises by 15 owner operated boats on the Hotelboating website. And there are still a few places left!

ladyline20152Ladyline Hotel Boats report; ‘We are getting itchy feet already and can’t wait to pick up our first guests of the season. All the winter maintenance is done, new upholstery, everything has been re-varnished, so we look all ship shape and ready to go. ‘We have an exciting season this year as we are spending 6 weeks on the beautiful Lancaster Canal.  Walks across Morecambe Bay have been booked and visits to the smokery in Glasson Basin are all on the agenda. In our 9th season we are visiting a lot of our favourite haunts plus a few new ones too.

periwinkle_salthouse2Hotelboat Periwinkle says; ‘A good varied season ahead of us, Periwinkle is all set for her travels, repainted last November and looking fresh and raring to go. The cupboards are stocked and we will be ready to greet our first guests of 2015 in Leeds. We will be beginning and ending the season cruising some of the northern canals.  We will be travelling southwards and visiting London in May, also some of our favourite rural routes – the Caldon and Llangollen always a pleasure.

wessexrose01eWessex Rose have announced they are introducing four River Cruises into their 2015 itinerary. These exciting new cruises include a number of days on the beautiful River Thames, starting either at Newbury or Oxford. A full selection of their traditional Kennet & Avon Canal cruises are, of course, still available and they hope that the Thames cruises will complement the enjoyment and uniqueness of Canal Cruising.

william_navigators1If you are looking for something a little different Inland Navigators have an interesting take on canal cruising holidays for 2015. Based on a historic 1930’s narrowboat William they aim to offer you the opportunity to take part in a voyage of discovery, an affordable back to basics holiday, camping afloat! They’ve a wide range of different cruise areas to choose from and the boat itself is a special and unique example of a vintage canal boat with a very special ‘Bolinder’ engine.

Lots more information on the Hotelboating website!

All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.

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