As a child, John played alongside the canals of south Lancashire and went on his first trip on the English waterways with his father in 1952. This experience was a life-changer for him, and he became an engineer and sailed across the Atlantic and delivered yachts across different locations.
Later, as a journalist, John rediscovered the canals and was surprised to find them still functioning. However, the threat to their existence was immense, and campaigning for their preservation was critical. He continued to explore waterways in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Eventually, he purchased another vessel, the Secunda, which was converted into a hotel barge on the central French canals.
Despite getting married and having three sons, John and his family continue to operate the successor to the Secunda, the Luciole, which still cruises the Canal du Nivernais. The magic of the waterways has stayed with him throughout his life.
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