The Canals of England


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The Canals of England

“The Canals of England” explores the functional tradition of canal-side buildings, bridges, and bollards. It explains how canals are made and how they work by delving into the past, present, and future of our waterways.

The Architectural Review published The Canals Of England as a special edition in August 1949. Eric De Mare’s book is still relevant today, more than 70 years later, as it provides valuable insight into the architecture and function of England’s canals.

The text is accompanied by old prints from the author’s collection and a set of photographs, which bring our canals’ architectural and scenic treasures to life. The book is well-organized, with each chapter providing a detailed insight into different aspects of our canals. The topics covered include ‘How Canals Work’, ‘Two Hundred Years of Canals’, and ‘Have the Canals a Future?’. The Canals of England is an engaging read for anyone interested in learning about the architectural history and functionality of England’s canals.

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Edward Paget-Tomlinson



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