Guide To Northampton Castle
Northampton CastleNorthampton Arm. All that remains of the once elaborately decorated royal castle, place where Thomas a Becket was tried in 1164 is the 12th century archway.
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Review from Google Places
Northampton there was once a massive and important Castle, with substantial defences and so important that parliament was held there during the mediaeval period.
It was the first major Norman Castle a day’s ride from London.
The favourite castle of King John, who visited 30 times, he moved his royal treasury to the Castle in 1205, and the Castle was associated with a mint for coins of the realm. Tournaments and feast days were held at the Castle, and the trial of the “troublesome priest” Thomas Becket was held at the Castle.
It was built (probably atop original Saxon defences) first from wood then from the distinctive sandstone which can be seen to this day in various buildings about the town.
All that remains of the castle today is the Postern Gate, near Northampton Railway Station.
Review from Google Places
Review from Google Places
Let’s be honest, there’s nothing really there. Just a plaque a top a litter strewn mould and a couple of statues.
There is a qr code there, so you can look up the history of what was once there.
Review from Google Places
Massive castle with great views and great history.
Review from Google Places
small pocket park in town centre with nice view of the town.
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