Canal boat Fuel Polishing Services, filtration, Diesel Bug Treatments

Fuel polishing for narrowboats is the removal of contaminants and water from diesel fuel and also can involve the cleaning of boat fuel tanks. Polishing has become necessary because since 2011 the fuel used by UK leisure boaters is the same low sulphur fuel (FAME) used in diesel road vehicles which contains a small percentage of bio-fuel which makes it more susceptible to microbiotic growth than red diesel.
Leisure boaters in particular may suffer when their intermittent activity allows water to collect in the bottom of the boat fuel tank which encourages the growth at the bio-fuel interface of microbes, yeasts and moulds. Collectively known as ‘Diesel Bug’ this can clog fuel lines and filters.


  • Untreated contamination will eventually get into the fuel system and block water traps, filters and eventually pipes and pumps. See our advice page about Canal Diesel Fuels .
  • Specialist Fuel Polishing firms, boatyards and marinas now offer fuel polishing and fuel tank cleaning using purpose designed equipment.
  • Many canal boats now include fuel purifiers or filters in their fuel systems to prevent the continuing build up of water and contaminants and there are a number of de-emulsifier and biocide treatments on the market which boaters can use to separate fuel and water and to kill the bugs in their own fuel.
  • Fuel filters should be regularly inspected to spot build up of contaminants, and fuel tanks should have bottom taps to allow water to be drained off regularly.

Fuel Polishing
Midlands / National
Fuel, Lubricant, Grease, & Fuel Polishing
APS Refuelling
South/ West/East Yorks, North Lincs
Diesel Supply & Fuel Polishing/De Bug
B.H.Boat & Diesel Bug Service,
West Midlands
Products for deep clean of diesel fuel and tank.
Bio Clean Jetting
Boat fuel polishing/ Tank Cleaning
Clean Fuel Marine
UK Wide
Fuel Polishing, Engineers
All UK
Diesel polishing and tank cleaning
Diesel Bug Buster
North Wales And The Northwest
A cutting-edge fuel polishing system to revitalise your fuel tank
07881 583561
Diesel Bug Removal (DBR)
Saul Junction, Frampton on Severn, Gloucestershire
Fuel polishing – diesel bug removal
Diesel Bug Solutions
North of England
Diesel Polishing
FA-ST Filtration Analysis Services Technology
Oil & Diesel Filtration, Water removal
First Aid for Fuel
All UK
Supplier of fuel polishing equipment for industrial or domestic use
Fuel Cleaning Services,
Diesel bug and water removal (mobile)
Grand Union Diesel Services
Diesel Polishing
J C Mobile Fuel Polishing
South and Midlands
Diesel polishing including removal of diesel bug and water. Optional engine filter changes.
07757 661307
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Diesel Bug Removal System
Neilson Boats
Fuel cleaning, repairs and servicing
Northern Marine Diesel
Yorkshire & Humberside
Mobile fuel polishing
Power 4 Ltd
Diesel fuel polishing
Pure Fuel Solutions
South East England, London, home counties, east anglia
Diesel oil filtration and polishing specialists
Remnox Ltd
4th Floor, Alba Suites, 5 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 5EZ
Fuel Conditioner
Tank Busters (North)
Diesel Polishing and Tank Cleaning
All UK
Red & White Diesel Fuel Cleaning
The Filter Factory Ltd
West Yorkshire, Humberside Lancashire
Diesel tank fuel cleaning sales of diesel bug killer and filter systems
The Oil Lab Ltd
Engine OIl Testing
The Tankbusters
West Midlands & UK Agent
Red & White Diesel Fuel Cleaning
Total Fuel Drain Ltd
North West & North Wales
Fuel removal & fuel polishing
UK Fuel Cleaning
Fuel Cleaning
UK Narrow Escapes Ltd
Yorkshire, Humberside, Lancashire & Cheshire
Fuel polishing and diesel bug removal

All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.

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