Marine communications & Media systems on canals and rivers

We list here suppliers & engineers for mobile communications and TV systems.
Mobile 4G/5G/Broadband covers many urban areas allowing quick mobile Internet access and email reception. USB modems are available from all the major networks allowing laptop access. However signal coverage for canals in rural areas is variable and often slow and poor quality.
VHF radio is required or advised for communications with authorities or other craft on some rivers.

Narrowboat bow

  • Many marinas provide internet access through wifi networks. Often they are password protected and require payment for time limited access through a password. Many pubs, hotels, cafes and restaurants also offer free internet access for customers.
  • Digital TV reception is available provided your boat has a suitable aerial. Portable satellite dishes are becoming common on canal boats. Reception via aerial or satellite dish can be poor when the boat is on the move though, and it can be dangerous to leave equipment erected when moving.
  • We have a separate listing of marine electrical & electronic equipment suppliers & Engineers, also suppliers & installers of solar and wind power systems.

Boat Comms
Boaters Phone Company
Specialise In Solving Mobile Phone Reception Problems.
Bristol Wireless
Wireless Internet hotspots for marinas.
CA Clase (UK) Ltd
Satellite TV Antennas
Canal Side Aerials & Satellites
UK Wide
Aerial & Satellite Supply & Installations
DCS 2 Way Radio Ltd
Hand held radios (walkie talkies)
Intech Computer Services
IT services for water craft- Hardware, Software
Mitchcom Canal Boat Radio
London, Grand Union Canal
Boat Radio Communications
UK Wide
IP66 rated mobile broadband routers for boats
Really Friendly Business Solutions
TV, satellite and mobile broadband
Stour Marine
WiFi Hotspot services to Marina owners and their customers.
UK Wide
Satellite TV installations on boats

All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.

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